Editorial Policy

Ethics Policy

Fairness: Our publications strive to be as fair as possible. This means straightforward honesty when conveying the facts of a story and the complete omission of misleading or deceiving information. All sides of the story will be presented in weekly briefs.

Opinion: Weekly briefs may have a writer's own analysis, but all sides of the story will be presented and a writer's analysis will be separated. Special reports provide extremely detailed information on a given topic, but may also include the writer(s)' own professional take. For all controversial topics, the Red Folder will strive to objectively cover the facts and keep analysis and opinion separate. Breaking news updates will be completely free of all opinion. 

Evidence and Transparency

We are completely open about the sources we use. All publications contain direct links to the sources we pull our information from, and weekly briefs have a condensed citations section at the end for easy clicking. 

Reporters are expected to be accurate in their information. Not only will our sources and data be real, but they will be reported in the proper context and situation they originally appeared in. 


We keep a permanent archive of all weekly brief articles on the Weekly Brief page. The two most recent briefs will be available on the Main page. We keep an archive of roughly two weeks' worth of breaking news updates, with dates to mark Breaking News releases. Special Reports are kept permanently on our website for easy and accessible reading. 

Social Media

The Red Folder manages our own separate Instagram (@redfoldernews). We currently have no other social media accounts on other platforms. All content posted on our social media will follow the same guidelines as our other content. 

If you believe any of our standards have been violated, please email equalityinforensics@gmail.com with your concerns.